
Bride Skips Bachelorette Party, Pampers Homeless Women Instead

A 30-year-old named Jessika Baldwin decided to skip out on a traditional bachelorette party, and instead use her special day as a moment to give back to her community. Instead of pampering herself and her best friends, she decided to create a day for the women of a local Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania homeless shelter.
Baldwin says of her motivation to offer a treat to others instead of herself:

Homeless Man Rescues Wheelchair-Bound Man from Thieves

Although Joseph Hall is homeless, he isn’t defenseless–or heartless. Hall, who lives in a homeless shelter, recently stood up to some thieves who attempted to steal his friend’s wheelchair. [1]
John “Triston” Stubbs, fellow resident at the homeless shelter in Birmingham, Alabama where Hall currently resides, has cerebral palsy. Cerebral palsy is a disorder which drastically hinders movement, so you might imagine how he would be in even more danger than the average individuals or homeless person. And while violence against the homeless is declining, it certainly isn’t erased.

91-year-old Man in Hospice Knits Hats for the Homeless

Morrie Boogart, 91, may be in hospice care in his hometown of Grandville, Michigan, but that hasn’t stopped him from thinking of others.
Boogart is well aware that soon the summer weather will give way to a harsh Michigan winter, and he wants the homeless population to be well prepared for it. So in order to do his part, Boogart has been knitting hats for them–to the tune of 8,000 total.  [1]

Homeless Mother Surprised with Tickets to See Daughters Compete in the Junior Olympics

Three homeless girls from New York City – Tai Sheppard, Rainn Sheppard, and Brooke Sheppard – are heading to the Junior Olympics to compete for gold. And not only that, their mother was surprised with tickets to be in the stands to watch them.
Tonia Handy, who lives in a homeless shelter with her three daughters, thought she wasn’t going to be able to afford to make the trip. However, a philanthropist contacted Handy and offered her a plane ticket.