Homeland Security

Government Erecting Mystery Metal Towers in NY, Won’t Say Why

(ANTIMEDIA) — As bizarre metal towers mysteriously appear at entrances to bridges and tunnels all over New York, the project remains shrouded in secrecy. When pressed for details on the mystery structures by local news affiliate CBS2’s Dave Carlin, the MTA spokesman in charge of bridges and tunnels, Cedrick Fulton, simply replied, “I said no comment.”

EFF, ACLU Bring Class-Action Suit Over Warrantless Searches At Border

Homeland Security officers improperly searched laptops and smartphones without warrants from people entering the country, 10 U.S. citizens and one green card holder claim in a federal class action Wednesday.
A group representing several Muslims and people of color, the plaintiffs include a military veteran, journalists, students, an artist, a NASA engineer and a business owner.

Department Of Homeland Security Sued Over Deadly Pot Sting

Los Angeles Police officers assist Drug Enforcement Agency, DEA agents serving a federal warrant to shut down a Marijuana dispensary operating in the Chinatown area of Los Angeles.
SAN DIEGO – The parents of a young man shot to death last year during a federal drug sting claim in court the Homeland Security agent who killed their son shot him in the head when he was already on the ground.

Donald Trump can and must abolish the CIA

Donald Trump’s war with the CIA can only be won through a combination of radial measures on the part of the Trump administration and a ferocious purge of those who seek to use espionage tactics to subvert the legitimacy of the elected President of the United States. The CIA threatens not only to damage Donald Trump personally, but also to undermine the authority of the office of President of the United States. The CIA is a rogue organisation and its power must be severely curtailed.