Homan Square

Chicago Police Shot and Killed Teen Scaling Fence to Run Away, Claim He Had Weapon

A video has emerged, showing the circumstances of the most recent Chicago police killing.
This past Monday night, a new victim emerged, and so did a new video showing that 16-year old Pierre Loury died on the other side of the fence from the police foot pursuit which led to his demise.
Chicago police have shot five citizens and killed three already this year.
Generally speaking, police in America aren’t allowed to even shoot a known felon fleeing, unless it’s clear that he presents an immediate danger to the officer’s safety or the community.

Chicago PD detained 7,000 people at off-the-books interrogation site

RT | October 19, 2015 More than 7,000 people have been detained, ‘disappeared’ and not given access to an attorney at a police-run facility in Chicago, Illinois, according to documents obtained by the Guardian. This number is much higher than previously believed. Only 68 of the 7,125 people held at Homan Square, the Chicago Police […]