Holy Land

BDS won’t work, Zio leaders tell Methodists…

 BDS won’t work, Zio leaders tell Methodists…          

by Stuart Littlewood
Of course, it wasn’t going to be long before the Board of Deputies of British Jews (BoD) stuck their oar into the Methodists’ big debate on BDS (Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions) against Israel http://www.methodist.org.uk/bdsbriefing, which included a public consultation questionnaire.

Archbishop of Canterbury’s false start in Holy Land

Long-suffering Gaza and Bethlehem communities ignored – “no effort to go to the heart of the issues”

 by Stuart Littlewood
(London) Before he left for the Holy Land I telephoned Justin Welby’s office for details of his first visit as the new Archbishop of Canterbury, only to be told none were available in advance.  So I emailed a list of questions….