
Rewriting History of World War II Is Ominous Warning

It is astounding and deeply disturbing that 75 years after the end of World World Two the history of that event is being re-written before our very eyes.
That war resulted in over 50 million dead with more than half of the victims from the Soviet Union. It incorporated the worst crimes against humanity, including the systematic mass murder of millions carried out by Nazi Germany, known as the Holocaust. The victims included Jews, Slavs, Roma, Soviet prisoners-of-war and others whom the fascist Nazis deemed to be “Untermensch” (“Subhumans”).

Israel’s Auschwitz Commemoration: A Kidnapping of Jewish history

As world leaders gathered in Jerusalem to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz death camp, Zochrot, an Israeli NGO that works to raise awareness among Israeli Jews of the injustices faced by Palestinians, posted a comment on their Facebook page. The post, written in Hebrew, reminded visiting world leaders that the Israeli Holocaust Museum, Yad Vashem, was built on a hill once called Hirbet Elhamame in Arabic.

The Jewish Combat Commander Who Liberated Auschwitz

Retired Red Army Lieutenant Colonel Anatoly Shapiro was proud of his lifetime service in the Red Army: He spent the last years of his life combatting the Big Lie of Holocaust denial by neo-Nazis.
But never in his wildest dreams did Colonel Shapiro imagine that his own contribution to history and that of the entire Red Army in ending the Nazi genocide of the Jewish and Russian peoples would itself be cast into the black hole of denial.

US organised crime syndicate exploit Holocaust memorial to venomously attack Iran

Washington’s wanton threats of violence against Iran and its recent assassination of one of Iran’s top military leaders stands as a shocking repudiation of international law and the UN Charter. It’s the kind of conduct more akin to an organized crime syndicate rather than a supposedly democratic state.

Poland’s Disgraceful Denial Over Holocaust Commemoration

There was good reason why Polish President Andrzej Duda was prevented from addressing the Holocaust memorial event in Israel this week. The organizers anticipated he would use the event to make ugly and foolish accusations against Russia for having alleged complicity in the Nazi genocide.
On being refused the opportunity to make such a speech, Duda then decided to cancel his attendance altogether. Such is the thin-skin of Polish sensitivity.

Lessons From the Liberation of Majdanek

On July 22, the world should have remembered the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Majdanek, the first of Hitler’s infamous extermination camps to be captured and shut down. But of course the brave Russian – and Ukrainian, Kazakh and other Soviet nationalities – soldiers of the Red Army got no credit across the West for doing so.
It was one of the most important liberations of World War II. On that day in 1944, troops of the Soviet Second Tank Army liberated the notorious death camp near Lublin in Poland.

The World Jewish Congress Calls on the US Congress to Make Holocaust Education Mandatory in American Schools

We agree that children should be taught that hate and intolerance must be rejected in a just society, but we fear that selective focus on hate and intolerance against only Jewish victims to the exclusion of those in other ethnic groups who have suffered similar fates is likely to miss its stated goal.