

By: Jay Dyer
As the recent events (and subsequent incoherent media narratives) in Dallas continue to unravel, familiar patterns have already emerged that once again paint a now familiar picture of large-scale planning. We are now expected to believe this highly coordinated, professional “sniper” operation, whose numbers and details have now significantly changed, were conducted by the likes of a former vet and unknown accomplices for the purposes of targeting “white people,” and in particular, police.

Jay w/Hoax Busters: Darwinian Materialism as Metaphysical Presupposition

I called into the Hoax Buster’s Call to discuss the crucial subject of how presuppositions and paradigms function as templates to interpret “facts.”  There are no “brute facts” that come un-interpreted, outside of some contextual framework or worldview.  In this discussion we investigate how the human mind categorizes the “data” or experience and how our governing assumptions about life and the world determine what the “facts” are, which constitute evidence and/or which are rejected and reinterpreted based on our beliefs (even when we presu

The World is Not Enough: JaysAnalysis w/Patrick Henningsen (Half)

This is the first free half of a full talk for paid subscribers.  Patrick Henningsen of 21stCenturyWire joins me for another graduate level course in geopolitics, as we break down the following topics: Mainstream media hoaxes, fake news, Atlanticist hegemony, intelligence operations and smart power/soft power fronts, NGOs, the war in Aleppo, “White Helmets,” the history of CIA operations in Syria, Hollywood’s Rendition, Turkey’s role,  007 and The World is Not Enough’s plot in relation to modern Eurasian subterfuge, the secret behi