
Vegas Shooting Symbolism & Bizarre Details – Jay Dyer on OBDM Show

The popular comedy podcast OBDM invited me on to discuss recent events. Clownbaby and Joe join the show / Digging into the Vegas Shooting Story / More than 1 shooter / Jay Dyer Calls In to talk about the Vegas Shooting / Hollywood Predictive Programming / End ▀▄▀▄▀ SOCIAL ▀▄▀▄▀ ► OBDM is a Humorous News / Paranormal / Conspiracy Podcast ►Website: http://ourbigdumbmouth.com

Porkins Policy Radio episode 111 Keelan Balderson on Parsons Green attack and Global Strategy of Tension

Keelan Balderson of Wideshut.co.uk joins me once again to discuss the ongoing wave of terrorist attacks in the UK. We focus on the recent failed bombing in the Parsons Green tube station on September 15th. We begin by looking at the bombing itself and the media and governments rush to claim this was another TATP bomb. Keelan and I talk about this strange new trend in UK terrorism where all bombs seem to use this volatile substance. We then discuss the alleged bomber, Ahmed Hassan, and his seemingly quiet life in Surrey.

Attack of the SJWs & Tavistock Frankfurt School Mind Control: Jay Dyer on School Sucks Podcast

Brett Veinotte of The School Sucks Podcast invited me on to discuss my work.
(Above the Snowflakes Part 4) Our investigation continues…
This series aimed to examine the philosophical roots of the current intensifying social justice movement, and how messages from academia have spilled out into popular culture and consciousness. Today, Jay Dyer joins me to argue that the phenomenon actually has darker origins.

Cameron’s Titanic & Avatar – Hollywood Decoded Ep 4 PREVIEW – Jay Dyer / Jay Weidner

Jay Dyer and Jay Weidner draw a connection between The Titanic and Avatar movies by James Cameron, as an unfolding cautionary tale of rampant industrialism. Their examination of the Titanic sets up the establishment of the Federal Reserve and the corporate takeover of the world’s monetary system. Thus, humanity is plunged into the depths of the Kali Yuga and it must reach out, to the stars, to continue fueling its greed induced self-collapse. Which brings us to the lush world of Avatar as the Na’vi live idyllic lives within their own golden age.

BUSTED! CNN Caught – Admits Russian Trump Tale Fake/Project Veritas – Jay Dyer

Project Veritas was able to capture a CNN producer saying exactly what we already knew – the Russian-Trump collusion hack narrative is utter BS with no evidence, and entirely a concocted media fiction. It also was a reaction to the rejection of the climate accords – to further attack a sensible policy of pulling out, by focusing attention on a lie. Chalk this up to the millionth time CNN has been caught faking news.
Purchase my book here.

The Bizarre & The Absurd You Missed in Point Break (1991) – Jay Dyer

If you like this analysis, purchase my best selling book here, SIGNED!By: Jay Dyer
What is your breaking point?  Could you hang ten, rob banks, outwit the western seaboard FBI and throw a kickass beach party, all in the same day?  The forces of chaos, anti-establishment and nostril-flaring ferocity can – and do on a regular (summer) basis, as Point Break showed us.  While the lure of the dark tide might sound tempting, there are also the forces of justice, honor and college football.