
Jay Dyer on Ground Zero w Clyde Lewis: ISIS, Thugs & Tavistock Mind Control

Clyde Lewis invited me on Ground Zero to comment on his thoughts in his piece on government tyranny and ISIS.  We discuss mind control, social engineering, psy ops and the Tavistock Institute, as well as Hollywood predictive programming.  It also includes some of my ridiculous jokery.
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Caravan to Midnight with John B Wells Hour 1: Jay Dyer Hollywood Illuminism

This is the first hour of a two hour talk that can be obtained from subscribing to John B. Wells’ Caravan to Midnight. In this talk we cover the metaphysics of film, secret societies, esoterica, numerology and Leibniz, demonology, cults and the dark side of philosophy. To hear my philosophy lectures, subscribe at JaysAnalysis below for 4.95 a month.

Jay on Afternoon Commute: Alchemical Dystopian Transhumanism

“John and myself (Chris) join Afternoon Commute repeat guest, Jay Dyer, for an excellent discussion on H.G. Wells Time Machine and Scientism Propaganda, Space Brothers, Darwinism, Materialism, Future Utopian Ideals of the Ruling Elite, Trangenderism and Transhumanism, Freemasonry, Architecture, I (Chris) delve into a rant about Darwinism, Materialism and The Multiverse.”

Esoteric Hollywood: Chris Kendall on Weaponized Hollywood CGI Matrix

Chris Kendall of The Hoax Busters Call joined me on Esoteric Hollywood to discuss the blurred threshold between fiction and reality the Hollywood Machine exists to spin.  Like the Matrix, we live in a system of fakery and psychological operations designed to keep us fixated in a synthetic world of illusion fostered by the mythmakers.

Jay w/Afternoon Commute: OJ’s Magical Mars Moon Juice

John and Chris of The Afternoon Commute join Jay Dyer on an exploration into recent “events”; The San Bernardino Shooting and the recent Paris attacks. Weaponized Immigration as a control strategy, Media manipulation and coordination, Predictive Programming, O.J and Capricorn One, Reality TV, Scare Mongering, The Government’s monopoly on violence, Fear and Statist control. The controlled narrative.

Jay Dyer – San Bernardino Shooting: Islam, The West & False Flags

“Jay Dyer is behind the website JaysAnalysis, which is dedicated to investigating the deeper themes and messages found in our globalist pseudo culture and illustrating the connections between philosophy, metaphysics, secret societies, Hollywood, psychological warfare and comparative religion. Dyer deconstructs these subjects in his weekly talk radio show, Esoteric Hollywood.