
US and Israeli Collectors Buy Up What Remains of Yemen’s Ancient Heritage

SANA’A, YEMEN — Yemen was once described as a living museum, but U.S. made bombs dropped by the Saudi-led Coalition’s jets have not only killed thousands of civilians and led to famine and the spread of disease but also pulverized the country’s rich architectural history and left its inimitable heritage at the mercy of the highest bidder.

Ash Donaldson - Fairy Tales For European Children - Hour 1

Ash Donaldson joins Henrik to talk about his book "Blut and Boden, a Fairy Tale For Children of European Decent."
Ash Donaldson is a veteran of the war against ISIS - the Muslim group, that is, not the goddess. A refugee from academia, he lives in exile in the upper Midwest. His work can be read in the pages of Europa Sun and at Counter-Currents.
A video version of this show is available here.

Islam, Weaponized Migration & Western Civilization

The degenerate, sterile West is falling to Islam by design. The globalist plan, as mentioned by many of their top “leftists” like Bertrand Russell, has been to depopulate and alter the demographics drastically in order to bring about a genuinely technocratic global world order. Far from the problem of the West being “idiot” liberals and moron SJWs, the real strategists are anything but, and know good and well liberalism and Islam are both tools on the global chessboard.

Qalb Lozeh, a Druze village, a NATO-backed massacre

Words of a Syrian friend from Kafarya:
“About three months ago in Qalb Lozeh, a Druze village, al-Nusra massacred about 30 residents.
The village was first under control of the “FSA”, then ISIS, then ISIS told them them must convert to Islam, cut your mustaches… then, al-Nusra came and ordered the same thing, to convert to Islam, you are Druze, not Muslims…you must destroy your shrines…