
France Says “Glyphosate Could Be Carcinogenic to Humans”

First the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) deemed glyphosate, the main component in herbicides such as Round Up, a ‘probable carcinogen.’ Then, California’s EPA announced that glyphosate-products would adopt a cancer label. Now, France’s Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES) suggests that glyphosate is likely a category 2 carcinogen, meaning it is cancerous to human beings.

Monsanto ‘Deliberately Covered Up Data’ Proving Glyphosate is Cancerous for 4 Decades

What will it take to shut down Monsanto’s doors irrevocably? Likely it will be the same type of lawsuit that finally pulled the shades on the tobacco industry. If Big Tobacco eventually had to pay a $206 billion settlement over 25 years for lying about the health impacts of cigarettes, what do you think Monsanto will have to pay for lying about glyphosate’s carcinogenic nature for almost 40 years?

Court in France Confirms Farmer Was Poisoned by Monsanto Herbicide

An important precedence has been set by a recent ruling in French Court. Even after an appeals court heard a case which attested that a farmer was poisoned by accidentally inhaling the fumes of an herbicide, they still sided in favor of the farmer. Considering that the herbicide, though not its best seller, was made by Monsanto – this news is even more important.

17 Scientists Speak Out: Monsanto’s Roundup is Causing Cancer

Are the full body protective suits not enough of a tip off that pesticides are toxic? If not, consider this: Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide – the most widely used and best-selling herbicide in the U.S. and one of the world’s most popular weed-killers – has been labeled a probable carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer.

75% of Air and Rain Samples Contain Monsanto’s Round Up

A new study proves just how invasive Monsanto’s best selling chemicals are, revealing how herbicide toxins are appearing in 75% of rain and air samples.
Take a deep breath. Thanks to the massive use of herbicides across the planet, you likely just inhaled a dose of Monsanto’s best-selling herbicide, Round Up – at least according to the latest US Geological Survey published in the journal Enviromental Toxicology and Chemistry.