
5 Foods to Include for Total Cardiovascular Protection

Author: Jason Phillips

Looking after your heart is incredibly important, especially if you have a family history of cardiovascular problems. But it can be tricky to avoid the wrong foods and choose the right foods. Here are 3 foods you can utilize to improve cardiovascular health over summer, as well as 2 supplements you could include to avoid extra guilt.

Resurrected Videos from ABC Australia Explode the Cholesterol Myth

A two-part documentary from ABC Australia on the criminality of Big Pharma sent shock waves through mainstream media and the medical establishment when it first aired in 2013. Titled “The Heart of the Matter,” the airing left the pharmaceutical industry in a tailspin. Its message was so powerful. Pressure to remove it so intense that ABC buckled and took down the videos from its site. Now they have been re-released. Why all the uproar?

Syrian rebel commander in organ eating video

You have to wonder to what levels of depravity Syrian rebels have to descend to in order to fall out of favour with western leaders, and the CIA and other intelligence agencies which have been supplying them large quantities of weapons. Sectarian insurgents have used the equipment kindly supplied by friendly governments to video themselves […]