Heart Health

Study: Vaping Raises Risk of Heart Attacks, Strokes, Depression

E-cigarettes may be an effective way of helping people to quit smoking regular cigarettes, but studies show that vaping is far from safe. According to the research, people who vape are more likely to suffer heart attacks, strokes, and depression.
Using the National Health Interview Survey, researchers compared people who reported vaping to with those not reporting any e-cigarette use and found that e-cigarette users had a:

Shocking Twist: Dairy Fat may PROTECT Your Heart, Not Hurt It

Saturated fat is evil! No, it’s not! It’s good for you! Talk about a mixed bag of science. You probably heard growing up that saturated fat was the conduit to heart attacks and stroke, but in recent years, research has found that saturated fat might not be the heart-destroyer it was once believed to be. You can enjoy dairy products without fear of the saturated fats contained within them.
Go ahead and spread some butter on that roll.

Could ‘Benign’ Cold Sores be Harming Your Heart?

Cold sores are a common problem that few people pay much attention to. Doctors tend to be unconcerned about them, too, and consider them to be little more than a nuisance. But one study shows a surprising link between one of the viruses that causes cold sores and the occurrence of immune cells that can damage the arteries around the heart.

Surpassing Overdose: Study Links Opioids to Heart-Related Deaths

The opioid epidemic has been a topic of conversation for a years now. With doctors and pharmacies being instructed to be more careful with their prescribing of the medication, and some states even asking them to look up a patient’s drug history before dispensing the drugs, it comes as no surprise that abuse and overdose are two huge issues. However, research suggests that many patients, especially those on long-term opioids, are dying not only because of overdoses, but simply because they are using them for far too long.

Study: Losing Money While Young can Lead to Heart Disease Later

You’re working hard, paying your bills, and enjoying a social life on the side when, all of a sudden, you lose your job. Life isn’t so easy anymore. You worry about how you’re going to pay your rent and put gas in your car. Income fluctuations are stressful, and can lead to numerous health issues. One study found that when you lose money in young adulthood in particular, the risk for heart disease increases.

Study Suggests 5 Hot Baths a Week Lowers Heart Attack, Stroke Risk

When you think of ways to improve the health of your heart, eating a well-balanced diet and exercising probably comes to mind (though you may not do them!). Those things are definitely important – by far most important, in fact – but there are other heart-healthy things you can do, too. It may be time to start taking some relaxing, hot baths, as one study found that taking 5 hot baths a week was associated with a lower risk of heart disease.

Mediterranean Diet ‘Just as Good as Statins’ for Preventing Heart Disease

Do a quick search for “Mediterranean diet” on our site and you will find oodles of articles espousing the health benefits of this eating lifestyle.  In December, yet another study showed that people who eat a Mediterranean-style diet have a lower risk of cardiovascular disease – possibly even as low as those taking statin drugs.
Let’s see why this diet can be so good for the heart.
Lead study author Shafqut Ahmad, Ph.D., a research fellow at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, said of the findings: