
Porkins Policy Radio episode 135 Jon Atack on Opening Minds, power of aversion, and the danger of obedience

Friend of the show and frequent guest Jon Atack joins me once again for a wide ranging discussion. We start off by talking about Scientology’s launch of their television channel. Jon and I watch a little bit of Scientology TV live on the air and comment on it. We talk about the stupidity of launching the a media platform this late in the game, and comment on David Miscavige’s increasingly manikin like face. We then move onto a discussion of Jon’s book Opening Minds: The Secret World of Manipulation, Undue Influence and Brainwashing.

Trump Haters Threaten Violence against a Little Girl Who Idolizes Trump

A swarm of vulgar and violent Trump haters have expanded their hate to the little girl herself. YouTube, Google, Facebook, and Twitter claim they are censoring Internet comments in order to stop hate speech but they have totally ignored this genuine hate speech and allowed it to go viral on the Internet. The fact that there is no action from any quarter to restrict criminality from the Left tells us all we need to know about the loyalties of those in charge. [...]

Mainstream Media Still Hyping The Muslim Boogeyman, Hate Crimes Up

The American boogeyman of terrorist threats, often used to further war and military intervention, comes with domestic consequences. In the United States, Muslim houses of worship have been inundated with threats of bodily harm and property destruction, as well as seen items like pig’s heads and desecrated Qurans left on their doorsteps.

What’s Behind The Surge In Hate Crimes Against American Muslims?

People carry posters during a rally in support of Muslim Americans and protest of President Donald Trump’s immigration policies in Times Square, New York, Sunday, Feb. 19, 2017. (AP/Andres Kudacki)
Hate crimes against Muslims have been on the rise. The murder of two samaritans for aiding two young women who were facing a barrage of anti-Muslim slurs on a Portland train is among the latest examples of brazen acts of anti-Islamic hatred.