Hate crime

No-Go Zone: DemsDebate, Coronavirus Spreads In Italy, Sweden, Pandemic Warning by CDC & More

This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here.
Henrik talks about the Democratic Debate debacle, an important update on the Coronavirus that now is spreading in Italy and Sweden. We cover a lot of other topics as well.
Sign the petition to demand that the official research of UK Grooming Gangs undertaken by the UK Government is released

Colorado: Mainstream Media Ignores Story of Man Arrested on Charges of Attempted Murder of Two White Boys as Possible Hate Crime

Oghaleoghene Atuno was arrested on suspicion of using his vehicle for attempted murder, as security footage from the area showed him circling the cul-de-sac several times before hitting the boys. Critics are questioning why the media is silent about this story and why police are not investigated it as a hate crime.