Harley Davidson

Russia raises duties on US imports

Russian President Vladimir Putin is due to meet US President Donald Trump in Helsinki, Finland on July 16 but most of the talks will focus on the Syrian conflict [PPIO]
A week after resorting to the World Trade Organization in its complaint against US tariffs on Russian steel and aluminum, Moscow has raised its duties from 25 to 40 per cent on some US imports.
According to the Russian news agency TASS, Economic Development Minister Maksim Oreshkin said the rise was to compensate for more than $500 million loss in exports expected due to the US tariffs.

What Is Trump And His Idiotic Trade War Doing To Wisconsin Workers?

A few days ago I read something about Wisconsin cranberry farmers facing a very bad year because of Trump's trade war. Retaliation is a bitch. Maine is the top cranberry producer in the U.S.There are 20 counties across the state that grow cranberries. Wood, Jackson, Monroe and Juneau are the top producers. All of them are losing jobs now. They all voted for Señor Job Producer in 2016:

Harley Davidson to move production overseas in response to tariffs

US President Donald Trump campaigned on the idea of repatriating American manufacturing in order to create more jobs that pay livable wages, like in the good ol’ days when America was ‘great’ and prosperity was experienced by the bulk of the population.
So Trump has embarked on a trade war with America’s trading partners to convince the manufacturers to bring production back home and America’s trade allies to provide more equitable trade terms to America.

Trump Saving Chinese Jobs While Harley Davidson Ships Kansas City Jobs To Thailand

Several congressional Republicans bitch and moan when Señor Trumpanzee does something outrageous or dangerous-- but never work it up enough to actually vote against him. Rand Paul R-KY), Jeff Flake (R-AZ), Ben Sasse (R-NE), Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Cory Gardner (R-CO), Mike Lee (R-UT) and Little Marco (R-FL) are the first to come to mind. The question is often related to national security-- as is Rubio's tweet above.

Expert economists warn Trump of global depression

World leaders including Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping have warned Trump that his protectionist policy is a lose-lose for the world [PPIO]
A number of prominent economists, including 14 Nobel prize winners, have warned the Trump administration that protectionist measures such as tariffs won’t only end in trade wars, particularly with China, but could lead to the type of depression which broke global markets in the 1930s.

EU ‘ready’ to slap tariffs on US products

US industry will likely take a hit, some argue as top economic advisor to the White House resigns.
US manufacturers fear a global backlash and trade war which could hurt jobs and local output [Xinhua]
Late on Wednesday, the European Commission issued a press release in which it stated that it hoped Europe would be exempt from the aluminum and steel tariffs suggested by US President Donald Trump.