
Hollywood Babylon: Bringing Hades Above Ground – Jay Dyer on Boiler Room

The Boiler Room crew gathers to discuss the news and latest events. Live from Hollywood, half of the boiler room crew reports on the Warner Brothers Studio tour, the sights and sounds of Los Angeles and Topanga canyon, going on the Sam Tripoli show, recent news and interviews, and more!
Alternate Current Radio Presents: Boiler Room – Uninterruptible Talk Radio

Porkins Policy Radio episode 115 Paranormal Halloween Special with Aaron Franz

Aaron Franz joins us for a special paranormal/occult Halloween special. We start off by discussing our opinions on Halloween as it exists today. We then move onto the ancient Druid and pagan roots of the holiday and the deeper esoteric meaning behind it. Aaron and I discuss how this pagan festival was absorbed into the Christian All Hallows Eve and All Saints Day. We look at how Halloween has become a commercialized holiday predicated on buying candy and other useless products.

Hillary Clinton Ponders Halloween Costume

21st Century Wire says…
It’s Halloween – and Hillary Clinton is getting asked what she will wear for a Halloween costume. There’s plenty of scary to go around, but the recently defeated Democratic presidential candidate offered one idea that would send shivers down the spines of many on All Hallows’ Eve:
“I think I will maybe come as the president!”

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

-by NoahThe big day is here everybody! Happy Halloween! Of course, by everybody, I don't mean rightwing fake Christians. I know they don't like Halloween. They don't like to say "Happy Halloween." They don't even say "Happy Holiday". WTF! They look down on us for saying "Happy Halloween." It's some sort of political correctness or, should I say, religio-correctness kind of thing; something to do with witches or Satan, or something.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

-by NoahIt's the day before Halloween! When the sun goes down this evening, it will will be what is traditionally known as Mischief Night. It's a night of testosterone-fueled ridiculous immaturity and mayhem where young boys (and, occasionally, some female accomplices) roam the streets with eggs in hand, and a prodigious supply of toilet paper to hurl into a neighbor's tree. Sometimes, a collection of doggy poop in a paper bag left at a front door and set on fire provides utterly pointless fun, at least for the perps. But, why not make it all mean something this year.