
The Haitian Migration Crisis: Made in the U.S.A.

Through his administration’s recent policies towards Haiti and Haitian migrants, President Joe Biden is carrying out a crime against humanity. Unfortunately, this represents continuity in a decades-long, bi-partisan policy toward Haiti. Biden recently ordered the breakup of a camp of 15,000 mainly Black Haitian migrants under a border bridge in Del Rio, Texas. The migrants—many of whom had traveled thousands[Read More...]

Watch Trailer For Another Vision: Inside Haiti’s Uprising

Another Vision: Inside Haiti’s Uprising portrays a revolution brewing in the slums of Haiti’s capital city, Port-au-Prince. Filmed throughout multiple visits to the island nation, the documentary tells the story of the “Revolutionary Forces of the G9 Family and Allies, Mess with One, You Mess with All” and demonstrates how Haiti’s ruling class is conspiring with the United States to suffocate the revolution before it can begin.

Shame on NDP for supporting imperialism in Haiti

Which is the Canadian political party most likely to stand up to the world’s rich and powerful? Which is willing to help the poorest of the poor gain a semblance of dignity and respect? Which can proudly proclaim, we stand for what is right, not just what is easy and expedient? Unfortunately, the answer is […]
The post Shame on NDP for supporting imperialism in Haiti first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Trumpism with a Biden Face: US Haitian Policy

With that orange haired brute of a president supposedly ushered out of the White House with moralising delight, the Biden administration was all keen to turn over a new leaf.  There would be more diplomacy, and still more diplomacy.  There would be a more humanitarian approach to refugees and asylum seekers – forget, he claimed, […]
The post Trumpism with a Biden Face: US Haitian Policy first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Haiti and the Debt of Independence

In the vast history of imperialist exploitation few episodes match the depravity of Haiti’s debt of independence. Military blackmail of a small country by a superpower, prioritizing “property rights” over human rights, racial capitalism, a sellout “light skinned” local bourgeoise and the way our past haunts the present are all part of the story. After winning their liberation from slavery[Read More...]

Afghanistan:  a military and an “aid” failure

While recent events have destroyed the credibility of militarists who pushed for the invasion and 20-year-long occupation of Afghanistan, the moral bankruptcy of their supporters in the aid industry has also been stunningly revealed. A quick Taliban victory over the foreign trained “Afghan army” at least (momentarily) embarrassed Canadian militarists. But what about their camp […]

Haiti—Serious Humanitarian Crisis Needs Urgent Attention

The recent international focus on Afghanistan has led to the unfortunate neglect of a many-sided humanitarian crisis in Haiti which has aggravated around the same time. First, a high-intensity earthquake struck, and this was followed very soon by a tropical storm which brought heavy rains and flooding. This mountainous country is very prone to mudslides and landslides at the time[Read More...]

Earthquake Devastates Haiti

With “friends” like Canada, Haiti is in deep trouble. Justin Trudeau’s statement that this country was “standing ready” to assist after a massive earthquake rocked the western part of Haiti Saturday is not reassuring. Over the past two decades Canada has done too much to undermine Haitian sovereignty, democracy and living standards to be considered […]
The post Earthquake Devastates Haiti first appeared on Dissident Voice.