Weather Control, Chemtrails & HAARP, Weaponized Anthropology & Gaseous Globules

Alternate Current Radio Presents: Boiler Room – Uninterruptible Talk Radio on ACR
This week the Social Rejects Club continues the discussion of deplatforming, brigading and selective enforcement of arbitrary, amorphous terms of service for political purposes. Weather modification, HAARP, climate change, the Syrian war, Google’s corporate reaction meeting to the election of a populist Republican President in 2016 and much more.

The US Government Has Experimented With Controlling Hurricanes

The 2017 hurricane season has wrought more damage on the Caribbean and the Gulf Coast of the United States than any season in the last decade. Tropical Storm Harvey smashed into the Gulf, temporarily swallowing Houston and other low lying areas. Meanwhile, Hurricane Irma caused millions of dollars in damage to Florida, Puerto Rico, and other Caribbean islands, leaving millions without power and water.