Guillermo Jimenez

De-Manufacturing Consent- The Snowden-ISIS Hoax

Guillermo Jimenez Presents Tom Secker
On this edition of De-Manufacturing Consent: Guillermo is joined by Tom Secker, host of the ClandesTime podcast and author of the book Secret, Spies, and 7/7.
We discuss the “Snowden-ISIS hoax,” the false “news” story that has been circulating through the internet over the past few weeks that claims former NSA contractor Edward Snowden released documents proving the CIA/MI6/Mossad are running the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and its leader Al-Badhdadi.

De-Manufacturing Consent- The U.S. Still Tortures & You Should Still Care

Guillermo Jimenez Presents Rebecca Gordon
On this edition of De-Manufacturing Consent: Guillermo is joined by Rebecca Gordon, a philosophy teacher at the University of San Francisco and author of the book Mainstreaming Torture: Ethical Approaches in the Post-9/11 United States. Gordon explains why institutionalized torture remains relevant in the “post-Bush era” of the United States and how the framework to carry out torture has been sustained during the Obama administration.

Demanufacturing Consent: Sheldon Richman on Open Borders and the Politics of Walls

DC on BFP #46 | Sheldon Richman joins us to explain why the US government has no moral authority to round up human beings, house them in "detention centers," and ship them off to countries that in many cases the U.S. helped destroy. Also: the moral and economic arguments for open borders and freedom of movement.

Demanufacturing Consent: Peter Van Buren on Iraq, ISIS, and the Ghost of Tom Joad

DC on BFP #45 | Peter Van Buren joins us to discuss his time in Iraq working for the State Department in 2009, what he saw, and why he blew the whistle. We discuss the complex situation on the ground, the US-trained and funded bogeymen ISIS, the disastrous consequences of US intervention, and much more.