Guillermo Jimenez

Traces of Reality: “Sibel Edmonds Speaks Truth Through Fiction in The Lone Gladio”

Operation Gladio, Black Ops, Government Corruption & the Deep State
On this edition of Traces of Reality Radio: Guillermo is joined by Sibel Edmonds, editor and publisher of Boiling Frogs Post, founder-director for the National Security Whistleblowers Foundation, and author of the critically acclaimed book Classified Woman: The Sibel Edmonds Story.

Sibel Edmonds Speaks Truth Through Fiction in ‘The Lone Gladio’

TOR Radio #105 | Sibel Edmonds discuss her new book, a novel, called The Lone Gladio. Sibel explains why she chose a "fictional drama" as the vehicle to tell this story, the inspiration for the various interesting characters, and many of the book's larger themes: Operation Gladio, black ops, government corruption, and the Deep State.

Masterminds Behind ISIS Mexican Cartel Grid Jihad Revealed! (or Why the Media Thinks You’re Stupid)

TOR Radio #104.2 | Guillermo and Danny illustrate how a product of government propaganda — that serves to further legitimize the "war on terror," justify another war, and accept a greater loss of liberty — nevertheless found willing mouthpieces among some of the larger "alternative media" outlets.

Fear and Fake Journalism: Is the ISIS Propaganda Working?

DC on BFP #52 | Pearse Redmond joins us to discuss the dubious connections between fake journalist "turned freedom fighter" Matthew Van Dyke and alleged ISIS victims James Foley and Steven Sotloff; the bullshit rumor that ISIS is operating on the US-Mexico border, and how and why this fear-based propaganda has taken hold of the so-called alternative media.