Guillermo Jimenez

Failure to Obey Suspicionless Interrogation

Checkpoint Refusal Activism & the CBP Backlash
In my last column, I laid out the history of the area near the border of the United States known as the “constitution-free zone” (CFZ). This policy, rooted in xenophobia and stemming from restrictions on immigration, prohibitions on substances associated with immigrants, and the all out “war on drugs,” has made casualties out of freedom of movement, rights to privacy, and human dignity at border crossings.

Help Us Counter the ‘Dumb-ification of the Masses’- Support a Real Independent Alternative

Four years ago Boiling Frogs Post began with a promise: a site where the irate minority (that’s me and you), those aware and tired of the creators of lies-fables-smoke and mirrors, could call home. It was created on a pledge: complete independence from the establishment- those who come in many forms-whether foundations, sponsors or deep-pocket advertisers.

BFP Site Update: Where We’ve Been & Where We’re Headed

Coming Up: A New Look, A New Podcast Show & A Few Bold and Daring Objectives
As always I am way behind in providing my promised quarterly update report for Boiling Frogs Post. And I don’t even know where to begin since so much has been happening during the last four months. I think I am going to apply one of my ‘make things more doable and less of a scary mammoth task’ principles here by breaking the information into small chunks, and presenting them one at a time. Usually this works for me, so let’s see how I do as I go forward.

De-Manufacturing Consent with Guillermo Jimenez Presents Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: The Great Collapse

Failures in the Economy & the End of “Constitutional Government”
On this edition of De-Manufacturing Consent: Guillermo is joined by columnist and former Assistant Security of the Treasury, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts. Guillermo and Dr. Roberts discuss the failures of the current economic system in the United States, and how and why the U.S. government can no longer be considered accountable to, or representative of, the people. Also, the importance of confronting these harsh realities, what can be done about it, and much more.