Guillermo Jimenez

De-Manufacturing Consent- Made in the SHADE: The Global Power Elite & Geo-Engineering

Guillermo Jimenez Presents Jason Bermas
On this edition of De-Manufacturing Consent: Guillermo is joined by documentary filmmaker and political activist, Jason Bermas. We discuss Jason’s latest film, SHADE: The Motion Picture, and explore many of the issues raised in the documentary, including: the global power elite, the Bilderberg Group, geo-engineering and climate change, technology and surveillance, and much more. Also, Jason addresses some of the criticism levied at the film and answers specific questions raised by debunkers.

De-Manufacturing Consent-George Galloway on “The Killing of Tony Blair”

Guillermo Jimenez Presents George Galloway
On this edition of De-Manufacturing Consent: Guillermo is joined by British politician, writer, broadcaster and Respect Party Member of Parliament, Mr. George Galloway. We discuss George’s upcoming documentary film, The Killing of Tony Blair—the process of making the film, the decision to both crowdfund and crowdsource the project, and a sneak peek at the astonishing revelations within the film.
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