Guillermo Jimenez

BFP Roundtable Video 5– Our Takes on NATO, Russia, Turkey & the “New Cold War”

In this edition of the BFP Roundtable, Peter B. Collins, Guillermo Jimenez, James Corbett and Sibel Edmonds discuss the latest moves in the formation of a so-called “new cold war” between NATO and Russia. We also tackle Seymour Hersh and his recent article in the London Review of Books examining Turkish involvement in the Syrian chemical weapons attack in Ghouta last year.

Demanufacturing Consent: The Adversarial Billionaire, Media Consolidation and False Idols

DC on BFP #34 | Mark Mondalek, BFP Contributing Author, joins us to discuss First Look's consolidation of "independent voices"; the lack of criticism over Pierre Omidyar's connections to the national security apparatus, the White House, and USAID; Edward Snowden and the "hero vs. traitor" false dichotomy; and much more.

Demanufacturing Consent: Bill Conroy on CIA-Senate Committee Shell Game & Mexico’s New Order

DC on BFP #33 | Bill Conroy to discuss the CIA's interference with a Senate Intelligence Committee investigation into the use of torture, and how this case mirrors the case of former DEA agent Richard Horn. Also, the latest on the drug war front in Mexico, EPN's "purge" of the old order, and much more.