green new deal

If We're Lucky, Ro Khanna Will Be Part Of Our Collective Future

The other day I asked a few dozen progressive congressional candidates which members of Congress would they like to work with on future legislation. No one mentioned old party leaders like Hoyer or Pelosi or Clyburn nor any of their designated successors like Hakeem Jeffries, let alone the wretched Blue Dog Cheri Bustos. Instead there were 3 Democrats who got almost all the votes:

We are the Majority

Over the last decade, a national consensus has developed for a progressive left agenda on the economy, social services, the climate crisis and ending wars but the movement has not yet built the power to make that a reality. The next decade will be ripe with opportunities for transformational change due to a combination of expanding popular movements as well as escalating crisis situations.

The Key to the Environmental Crisis Is Beneath Our Feet

The Green New Deal resolution that was introduced into the U.S. House of Representatives in February hit a wall in the Senate, where it was called unrealistic and unaffordable. In a Washington Post article titled “The Green New Deal Sets Us Up for Failure. We Need a Better Approach,” former Colorado governor and Democratic presidential candidate John […]

No Plan B for Planet A

Replacing fossil fuels with “renewable” energy would devastate the only planet we’ve got By Paul Driessen | Watts Up With That? | November 26, 2019 Environmentalists and Green New Deal proponents like to say we must take care of the Earth, because “There is no Planet B.” Above all, they insist, we must eliminate fossil […]