Greed and Selfishness

The Privatized Internet — Entire .ORG Domain Registry Sold to Investment Equity Firm "Ethos Capital"; Registration Fee Restrictions Removed

Cover of a 2015 book glorifying the privatization of the Internet via "a unique and vibrant interplay between government and private industry." Nothing dollarable is Thomas NeuburgerThe love of money is a sickness with these people.—Attributed to an Indian chief as he watched the Europeans move west.Nothing dollarable is safe.—John Muir, 1908Buried

Getting Rid of Equifax

Negligent data-breach victim Equifax ironically warning its corporate customers that their data could be breachedby Gaius PubliusThe massive data breach suffered by Equifax, one of the nation's three credit data reporting agencies, caused by what looks for all the world like negligence (see below), has gotten everyone's attention, including the other two credit a

Violence and the State: Equifax

White-collar criminologist Bill Black and Aaron Mate discuss the massive Equifax data breach on The Real News Network (source)by Gaius PubliusAccording to the Associated Press the credit reporting and data storage agency Equifax has suffered a massive data breach, and information on 143 million people — including "credit card and Social Security numbers, addresses and birth dates," plus potentially a whol

More On The Republican Wing Of The Democratic Party

Executive Vice President sounds so much better than "lobbyist sleaze bag"At the very end of February, we ran an exhaustive piece on the dangers of electing Kathleen Matthews, Chris Matthews lobbyist wife, chair of the state Democratic Party. Short version: the Democratic Party needs fewer vile millionaire elitists running the party, not more.

"People familiar with the matter" say that somebody, possibly the new Chinese owners, plans to turn NYC Mayor de Blasio into condos

by Ken'Cause you know what they say -- when you're in love, the whole world's turned into condos. Actually, I'm not entirely sure about the "in love" part. I just threw that in to make the thing sound user-friendlier, as I'm pretty darned sure about the "turned into condos" part.