Graham Fuller

Why Shouldn’t the Boston Marathon Bomber Vote? U.S. Politicians Radicalized Him

Last month, 2020 U.S. presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders stirred controversy at a CNN town hall after answering a loaded question about whether his position on extending voting rights to incarcerated felons barred any exceptions such as the Boston Marathon bomber currently on death row. It was impossible for Sanders to respond honestly without being entrapped by the inclusion of Dzhokar Tsarnaev as an example, but the self-professed ‘democratic socialist’ gave a reflective explanation of the complexities of the issue behind his reasoning.

Newsbud Special Report- State Secrets: Sibel Edmonds Uncovers ‘The Untouchables’

Newsbud presents major new revelations by former FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds. Edmonds, known as the most classified and gagged person in US history, takes on the US Congress and the culprit media in one of the most significant and longest ongoing political/criminal cover-ups involving the FBI, a notorious political mob in Chicago, a well-known elected official and her convicted criminal spouse. Further, she renews her public call for joint testimony under oath before the US Congress.

CIA’s Favorite Channel, New York Times, Lobbies for Mullah Fethullah Gulen

New York Times Comes out of the Closet – Doing the CIA’s Bidding
Last week Turkey’s Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan announced that Turkey would officially request the extradition of US-based Mullah Fethullah Gulen- a Turkish preacher in Pennsylvania with a $20+ billion network, whose followers have been accused of trying to eliminate PM Erdogan’s government.

BFP Exclusive: Turkish Power Struggle Impedes NATO’s Campaign in Syria

Gülen Movement Determined to Topple Erdoğan at All Costs
Since the end of last year, Turkey has been engulfed in a spectacular power struggle between Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and the shadowy network of self-described “imam, preacher, and civil society activist” Fethullah Gülen. Due to the help of his friends in Langley, like for example Graham Fuller and Morton Abramowitz [1], Gülen managed to build a multi-billion dollar movement with millions of followers and a presence in 150 countries.[2]

Boston Bombing still requires real investigation

Remember the Boston Marathon Bombing? It was that terrorist event which resulted in a massive manhunt, martial law in Boston, and lots more questions than answers. Well the corporate media surely doesn’t want you to remember it. Hence their lack of investigative reporting on what really transpired that day and in the ensuing days.

Boston Bombing still requires real investigation

Remember the Boston Marathon Bombing? It was that terrorist event which resulted in a massive manhunt, martial law in Boston, and lots more questions than answers. Well the corporate media surely doesn’t want you to remember it. Hence their lack of investigative reporting on what really transpired that day and in the ensuing days.

The New Great Game Round Up- June 16, 2013

CIA Guiding the Evolution of Islam, UAE: NATO’s Proxy at Work, “Colour Revolution in Kyrgyzstan?” & More!
The Great Game Round-Up brings you the latest newsworthy developments regarding Central Asia and the Caucasus region. We document the struggle for influence, power, hegemony and profits in Central Asia and the Caucasus region between a U.S.-dominated NATO, its GCC proxies, Russia, China and other regional players.