Government Whistleblowers

The EyeOpener Report- Spot the Whistleblowers-Follow the (Lack of) Money

If there is one thing that defines our current political era, it is the unprecedented crackdown on government whistleblowers. If the Bush administration’s invocation of the little used State Secrets Privilege to silence those exposing corruption is taken as the beginning point of this era, we have seen a steady progression throughout the past decade, culminating in Obama’s unprecedented war on whistleblowers.

BFP Exclusive- Bruce Fein: A Bad Penny That Is Always Turning Up

The Many Hats of Washington’s Favorite Rat- A Lobbyist, A Presidential Campaign Advisor, A Snitch, An Attorney, A Civil-Rights Activist …You Name It!
In a recent disclosure to the Huffington Post NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden said the media have been “misled” by associates of his father, attorney and lobbyist Bruce Fein and his wife Mattie Fein who have been circulating “false” claims about his situation.

The Guardian UK: Guardian of the Truth, or, Guardian of the Establishment?

When Judging the Source Do Not Disregard its Track Record
It is not easy to be the one who bears bad news, questions what’s beneath glitzy packaging, or the one who throws cold water on seemingly good news. Trust me it isn’t. We all want to feel good. It is much easier to cheer than to question and criticize. We want heroes. We like pedestals and figures to worship. I don’t know why but it is what it is, and I am who I am- daring to be unpopular with questions that need to be asked and answers that have to be sought.