Government Accountability

Video Shows Iraqi Forces Fired White Phosphorus Into Mosul

(ANTIWAR.COMMultiple videos are making the rounds this week of white phosphorus artillery shells being fired into the Iraqi city of Mosul by Iraqi forces. Though the use of white phosphorus for illumination is technically legal under international law, its high temperature and toxic properties make it wholly unsuitable for use in an urban environment, and such use is almost certainly a war crime.

Here’s What Is On The Agenda For This Year’s Bilderberg Meeting

(ZHEEvery year, the world’s richest and most powerful business executives, bankers, media heads and politicians sit down in some luxurious and heavily guarded venue, and discuss how to shape the world in a way that maximizes profits for all involved, while perpetuating a status quo that has been highly beneficial for a select few, even if it means the ongoing destruction of the middle class.