Government Accountability

The New York Times Just Accidentally Proved US Elections are Illegitimate

(ANTIMEDIA Op-Ed) The New York Times published an interesting analysis Monday morning that showed only 9 percent of the country voted for either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump in the primary elections. That figure counts all citizens of the U.S., including children and felons — neither of whom have the right to vote.

FBI Opts to Investigate Source of DNC Leaks, Rather Than Rigged Primary

(ANTIMEDIA) For those not up to speed with the circus surrounding the 2016 presidential race, here’s a quick summary of one of the biggest developments in the last week and a half. On July 22nd, Wikileaks leaked emails showing top figures of the Democratic National Committee worked to knock Bernie out of the primary and manipulate the media.

Why the DNC Leak Is Much Bigger Than Just Bernie Sanders

(TRUTHINMEDIA) It is the worst possible scenario for the Democrats on the week of their convention as 20,000 emails were hacked and leaked by Wikileaks, emails that prove the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and the Clinton campaign did, in fact, rig the primary to protect Clinton and stop Bernie Sanders.
The DNC has now apologized to Sanders and his supporters, but is it enough?
This is a Reality Check you won’t see anywhere else.