Government Accountability

5 Questions Congress Should Be Asking Jeff Sessions Today — but Won’t

(ANTIMEDIA) — For those who have failed to notice the chief law enforcement officer of the United States of America until now, it is high time to look down at the Lilliputian now occupying the Attorney General’s office.
As AG Jeff Sessions appears before the Senate Intelligence Committee to the discuss the ongoing Russia scandal, do not let his diminutive stature, mousy demeanor, or “aww-shucks” Southern drawl fool you; he is a mouse that has long roared: “Law enforcement can do no wrong.”

Why Are We Attacking the Syrians Who Are Fighting ISIS?

(RPIJust when you thought our Syria policy could not get any worse, last week it did. The US military twice attacked Syrian government forces from a military base it illegally occupies inside Syria. According to the Pentagon, the attacks on Syrian government-backed forces were “defensive” because the Syrian fighters were approaching a US self-declared “de-confliction” zone inside Syria.

9 of the World’s 10 Least Peaceful Nations Were All Targeted by US Intervention

(MPNThe annual Global Peace Index, recently released for June 2017, has found that while the world is more peaceful now than last year, violence has increased significantly overall in the past decade.
Although the situation has improved in many countries, the ten lowest-ranking nations – known as the world’s “least peaceful” countries – have shown little change in recent years.

Thousands Mourn Iran Attack Victims, Chant ‘Death to Saudi Arabia’

(MEE) — Thousands packed Tehran’s streets on Friday to mourn the victims of two suicide bomb and gun attacks, and joined their supreme leader in accusing regional rival Saudi Arabia of involvement in the assaults.
People in the crowds, some crying, chanted “Death to Saudi Arabia” alongside the more customary “Death to America” and slogans against Israel, as they reached out to touch coffins wrapped in flags and covered in flowers.

5 Stories You Missed While the Media Obsessed Over the Comey Hearing

(ANTIMEDIA) Like clockwork, the mainstream media is fervently focusing on a story filled with scandal and intrigue: James Comey’s testimony. Whether it’s a terror attack in the west, a celebrity tailspin, or a superficial drama like James Comey’s conversations in Congress today, when the media drives an obsessive narrative, there’s usually other events occurring.
“But Russia might have intervened with our democratic process!” some may retort. “Donald Trump is probably a criminal!”