Government Accountability

The Hypocrisy of Obama’s $1.2 Million Payout to Italian Man’s Family for Drone Striking Him

(ANTIMEDIA) When Paris experienced the infamous terror attacks in November last year, much of the world was asking why innocent lives lost in Paris were more important than those regularly lost in Iraq, Afghanistan, or even in Beirut a few days prior. After all, Facebook and the rest of the media prioritized the Paris attacks.

Saudi Official Threatens That US 9/11 Bill Would “Fuel Extremeism”

(ANTIWARThe Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA) has been unanimously passed in both the House and Senate, and is facing a veto from President Obama which could easily produce the first successful override of his presidency. The bill allows American victims of 9/11 to sue Saudi Arabia over its support for 9/11 plotters in court.

The DEA Is Literally About to Start Killing People by Banning Kratom

(ANTIMEDIA) On April 1st, I made a prediction about kratom on Facebook.

Man, do I hate being right. As of last week, according to the DEA, kratom will be categorized as a Schedule 1 drug.
Most people don’t even know what kratom is, so I didn’t expect much of a reaction to my original prediction. Even the clerks at local apothecaries doubted me. One herbalist said to me, “Nah man, they’ve been saying that for years. It’ll never happen.”