Government Accountability

Condi Admits Another Iraq War Lie

(ANTIMEDIA) Last week, former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice made some surprising admissions about the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, claiming U.S.-led interventions in the Middle East were not about spreading democracy but were instead about addressing security issues.
During an interview at the Brooking Institute last Thursday, Rice stated the following:

Investigator: DNC Staffer Seth Rich Leaked 44K Emails to WikiLeaks Before His Murder

(ANTIMEDIA) New information has surfaced regarding the murder of Seth Rich, the Democratic National Committee staffer who was mysteriously killed last July in what Washington D.C. police claimed was a botched robbery despite no evidence to back the claim. After almost a year of conspiracy theories linking the staffer’s death to the DNC, private investigator Rod Wheeler has come forward with information indicating that those theories may not be too far off.

Here’s Why Trump Needs To Toss His General’s Plans In The Trash Immediately

(RPIBy the end of this month, Defense Secretary James Mattis and National Security Advisor HR McMaster will deliver to President Trump their plans for military escalations in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria. President Trump would be wise to rip the plans up and send his national security team back to the drawing board – or replace them.

The U.S. Trying to Make War — Not Peace — In Syria

(ANTIMEDIA Op-Ed) The U.S. has long asserted itself as a peacemaker in the ongoing war in Syria, attempting to paint the country’s president, Bashar al-Assad, as the root cause of the conflict. At the same time, the United States government maintains that peace would be impossible without American interference, which, of course, comes with the added aim of ousting Assad.