Government Accountability

US and Saudi Agree To Arms Deals Worth Almost $110 Billion

(MEEWashington has agreed to arms deals with Saudi Arabia worth almost $110bn on Saturday, the first day of President Donald Trump’s visit to the traditional US ally, with options for as much as $350bn over 10 years.
Trump hailed the $110bn deal for Saudi purchases of US defence equipment and services, which was reached during meetings in Riyadh.

10 More Crazy Conspiracy Theories That Became Conspiracy Facts

(ANTIMEDIA) Generally speaking, conspiracy theories form where there is a vacuum of verifiable facts associated with a controversial, usually tragic event. The concept has evolved over the years and is a part of our popular culture. There are legions of conspiracy theorists and “truthers” who have devoted their lives to certain theories, and there are legions of skeptics who have devoted their lives to debunking those theories. All the while, conspiracy theories of every stripe and variety festoon the footnotes of history.

‘Fight to Save the Internet’ Takes to Streets as FCC Votes on Net Neutrality

(COMMONDREAMSAs the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) prepares to vote Thursday to begin the process of repealing net neutrality regulations, the grassroots resistance is rising up.
A “Rally to Save the Internet,” organized by digital rights group Free Press and including many other advocacy, online, and tech groups, has hundreds of people demonstrating outside FCC headquarters in Washington, D.C., for an open internet.

Trump Advisers Want at Least 50,000 US Troops in Afghanistan

(ANTIWAR.COMWhile publicly US strategy in the Afghan War has been based around the conceit that the conflict is in a “stalemate,” despite mounting losses by the Afghan government. Advisers have offered a classified assessment on the conflict recently, however, conceding that the Ghani government’s survival is at risk, and that the war is being “slowly” lost.

Is the Media’s Obsession with Trump and Russia a Distraction from Bigger Issues?

(ANTIMEDIA Op-Ed) On Monday, the Washington Post ran a story claiming U.S. President Donald Trump had divulged highly classified information to Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in a meeting in the Oval Office. The Post came by this information via former and current U.S. officials who continue to remain anonymous.