The Gospels

An Easter Theory: Pilate & the Crucifixion/Resurrection Illusion…?

So. The crucifixion. And the resurrection. A story, a myth, or an ideal or a foundation-stone of faith, that has exerted an almost unparalleled power over generations, societies, and millions and millions of people for almost two-thousand years. Did it happen? No one knows. No one will ever know. Even if it did happen, what […]

The NATIVITY Story: Myth, Fact, Fiction, Propaganda & the Nature of ‘Truth’…

A magical star leading three mysterious ‘wise men’ from the East across miles and miles of wilderness to a small, obscure town. And a troubled husband and wife travelling on donkey, social outcasts turned away by one apathetic towns-person after another, desperate for a simple act of human compassion to offer a place for the […]