
1,300 Public Health Officials Sanctioning Mass Protests During a Pandemic?

I had saved the article below last week- It's best to get it published so it's clear how it was the BLM/Antifa protests were sanctioned by the "health care" industry.  Despite the presence of an ongoing pandemic.   Certain groups of protestors were applauded, their gatherings sanctioned by police forces, politicians and others who "took the knee" Yet, these same individuals  (one here) harassed, chastized, fined, set up snitch lines to cause financial harm and m

Nomadiceveryman: Racism REDEFINED - G-20 Police Brutality Against Largely White Protestors, Remembered.

Scott hits it outta the ballpark, again! No good was ever going to come of the George Floyd incident. Because the entire psychological operation that was created around the incident was undertaken to create still more discord. More divide. I'm completely at a loss why more people aren't seeing this for what it EXACTLY is. Divide and Conquer or Divide to Rule: the policy of maintaining control over one's subordinates or subjects by encouraging dissent between them.

End of economic globalisation, rise of surveillance capitalism And the search for alternatives

The colonial and imperialist militaries, political and economic systems are defeated by the mutilating powers of the pestilence. The COVID-19 virus is controlling our so-called modern lifestyles and quarantining ourselves within walls of our rooms to reflect and reimagine.  The ‘end of history’, ‘clash of civilisations’ and ‘there is no alternative’ were three rotten ideological theses advanced to established market[Read More...]