
 Dispossession and Imperialism Repackaged as ‘Feeding the World’

The world is fast losing farms and farmers through the concentration of land into the hands of rich and powerful land speculators and agribusiness corporations. Smallholder farmers are being criminalised and even made to disappear when it comes to the struggle for land. They are constantly exposed to systematic expulsion. In 2014, the Oakland Institute found that institutional investors, including[Read More...]

Globalization and health: A glimpse into the developing nations

Co-Written by Dr. Krati Shrivastava, Dr. Parul Malik & Dr. Arathi P Rao Globalization with its worldwide economic, political and cultural integration has made the world a small village with the borders being dissolved between countries. It has had a positive aspect and has successfully brought the world closer, but simultaneously, it has also resulted in various important public health[Read More...]

Globalization in health: An upside or a roadblock?

Co-Written by Sudhamshi Beeram, Parul Malik & Arathi P Rao The term “globalization” used in a variety of contexts over the years is mostly debated to be an evolution across the fields of economy and industry and as the bridging of geographical gaps.  It is essentially a functional integration of the global population (Lee & Collin, 2001) and according to[Read More...]

Globalization: a multifaceted exchange platform of healthcare

by Dr. Chandrima Chatterjee, Dr. Parul Malik and Dr. Arathi P Rao Globalization has been described by the economist Brian Easton [1] as “problematic”. He also mentions that often writers avoid explaining about globalization analytically but rather, relate it to a series of phenomena such as capital flow, international organizations and policies as the likes of “free trade”. There is[Read More...]

Odds are against us, but we are not alone

It is overwhelming to assimilate what is really going on around us, from personal to socio-political to global. No one truly knows all sides of a story. The underlying story in global media seems to be of doom, from climate catastrophe to rising fascism to financialization of every aspect of our life. As Michael Parenti said “Dirty truth is that[Read More...]

Globalisation of Capitalist Crises

The post pandemic economic recovery looks uncertain and the economic growth projections look gloomy in every stretch of policy paradigm within capitalist imaginations. The strong and existing multilateral cooperation within the Westphalian international system is falling apart and facing its existential threats due to its entrenched Eurocentric bias, democratic deficits and institutional dominance by the erstwhile colonial powers. The world[Read More...]