
Cohn, Bannon, Mnuchin… Trump au service de sa majesté Goldman Sachs

« Je les connais, les banquiers de Goldman Sachs ! Ils exercent un contrôle total sur Hillary Clinton ! » Donald Trump n’avait pas de mots assez durs, au printemps dernier, pour dénoncer à bon droit les liens étroits unissant la candidate démocrate aux dirigeants de la puissante banque d’affaires Goldman Sachs.

The Clintons’ $93 Million Romance with Wall Street: a Catastrophe for Working Families, African-Americans, and Latinos

By Richard W. Behan | CounterPunch | March 16, 2016 For 24 years Bill and Hillary Clinton have courted Wall Street money with notable success. During that time the New York banks contributed: * $11.17 million to Bill Clinton’s presidential campaign in 1992. *$28.37 million for his re-election in 1996. *$2.13 million to Hillary Clinton’s […]

The Candidates And Technology

With a nearly impenetrable wall of opposition from a socially irresponsible corporate media, obsessed with the ratings numbers the Trump Freak Show brings in, and with the inclination to rally around the establishment-- from MSNBC's Chris Matthews' non-stop promotion of Hillary over Bernie to the NY Times obvious willingness to bed-down with their pals at the Clinton cam

America Is Being Destroyed by Problems That Are Unaddressed

One hundred years ago European civilization, as it had been known, was ending its life in the Great War, later renamed World War I. Millions of soldiers ordered by mindless generals into the hostile arms of barbed wire and machine gun fire had left the armies stalemated in trenches. A reasonable peace could have been reached, but US President Woodrow Wilson kept the carnage going by sending fresh American soldiers to try to turn the tide against Germany in favor of the English and French.

Hillary Doesn't Understand That The Business Model Of Her Wall Street Allies Is Fraud

Hillary Clinton has solicited and gobbled up immense amounts of money from Wall Street banksters. I doubt they give her so much because of her bubbly personality. The times I met her she struck me as a real uptight cold fish. But since she first ran for the U.S. Senator in 2000, the Financial Sector has ponied up $36,846,987 to support her political career. So far her presidential campaign has taken in $5,587,345 from the banksters.

As Usual, Conservatives Want The Election To Be About Anything But Economic Policies

Demagoguery, particularly when it comes to stirring up war fever, xenophobia and naked bigotry, have been tried and true methods conservatives use to get voters to think about something other than the economic agenda that's enslaving them and their families. It works well. Republicans and conservative Democrats would much prefer to demonize a tiny, pathetic handful of Syrian refugees than discuss... oh, say...

Watch Tonight's Debate As A Battle Between A Miserably Failed Establishment And A Break With That Foul Ancien Régime

When the House passed, 343-86 a bill to repeal Glass-Steagall in the summer of 1999, only 69 Democrats, 16 Republicans and 1 Independent stood in opposition. The Independent, of course, was Bernie Sanders. Many Members who made that vote, which turned out to be so predictably catastrophic for the U.S. economy, are no longer in Congress. But many are. Tammy Baldwin (D-WA), like Bernie now in the Senate voted NO; so did now Senators Sherrod Brown (D-OH), Ed Markey (D-MA) and Jerry Moran (R-KS).

Hillary Doesn't Blame Her Bankster Buddies For The 2008 Financial Meltdown (And A Little History Of Repealing Glass-Steagall)

I'm not sure how much money Hillary is raking in from Wall Street these days, but every report I've read indicates that the amounts are absolutely massive and that crooked players like Citibank are funding her campaign significantly. Before the campaign she had taken in $34,935,233 from the finance sector, the third highest of any member of Congress in history.