
Porkins Great Game ep. 12 Newsbud Special: Inside Turkey’s War in Syria

This month Christoph and I recorded a special Newsbud related episode of PGG.  We focus mainly on Turkey’s increased intervention into the Syrian War.  We discuss Christoph’s recent article in Boiling Frogs Post  analyzing this very issue.  We begin with the increased Russian airstrikes and how this has completely changed the course of the war.  Christoph and I touch on how this is being interpreted by NATO and the US.  We next move on to Turkey’s reliance on Syrian Turkmen militants to fight their proxy battle.  Christoph and I update the listeners on the Grey Wolf “Turkmen” leader  Alpars

Decoding the Paris Attacks: ISIS Blowback or French-Israeli False Flag?

 The truth is that President Hollande is a cynical charlatan who is conning his own population with audacious lies, and is, like his criminal counterparts in Brussels, London, Ottawa, Sydney and Washington, using staged terror to expedite the Zionist-Globalist agenda, of which he is a loyal servant.

By Brandon Martinez

Fox News Planted Fake Story Establishing ISIS Guilt Within Moments of Paris Attacks

by Brandon Martinez
Remember those early reports from the Paris attack coverage which claimed that a terrorist ‘suspect’ had been arrested at the Bataclan theater and told police “I am from ISIS”? The story spread like wildfire on neocon and kosher conservative blogs, Jihad Watch, Breitbart and Infowars chief among them, but originated from a Fox News live report which was a bit more detailed, stating:

Is “Islamic Terrorism” a Myth?

BONN, GERMANY — Not many people have the guts to question the official narrative of the attacks committed on 9/11 in the United States of America, in London, Madrid, Mumbai or elsewhere, which governments attribute to Islamic terrorists. Elias Davidsson is one of those, who in 2002 became skeptical of the official account on 9/11 and later more generally of the widely held belief that Islamic terrorism exists as a real and distinct threat.