
COINCIDENCE? US State Dept Issues Turkey Travel Warning Day Before Istanbul Attacks

Vanessa Beeley

21st Century Wire
The US State Department spokesperson, Mark Toner, “partly, coincidentally” reissued the travel alert for Istanbul the day before the suicide bomb attacks in Istanbul’s Attaturk airport, that so far, have claimed 42 lives and left over 200 wounded. 
As Toner waffles through his explanation, one could say he protests too much?

FEAR INC. – Gunmen Open Fire, Multiple Bombs Detonated, Killing 35 at Istanbul Airport

21st Century Wire
We’re told so far that 35 people including 5 police officers have been killed, with another 60 injured, after three suicide bombers have attacked the international arrivals terminal at Istanbul Ataturk Airport this evening, following an exchange of gunfire with Turkish aviation security.

MISSING DETAILS: Orlando Shooting 911 Transcripts Questioned, Alleged Survivor’s Story Challenged

Shawn Helton
21st Century Wire 
The FBI have finally released the written transcripts from shooter Omar Mateen’s supposed 911 call – and now apparently unredacted. Meanwhile, another story of survival at Pulse nightclub is called into question.
Will this tell us anything new about this event, or will it just prompt even more questions?

Did A New Study Just Find GMOs Safe? – Questions For Corbett #030

[audio mp3=""][/audio]Why does America attack the I-CIA-SIS it created? Was Gladio an outgrowth of SOE? How do you get a loved one out of the military? And did the National Academy of Sciences just find GMOs to be safe in a new study? Find out the answer to these and other burning questions as James opens the mailbag for this month's edition of Questions For Corbett.

CASTING CRISIS: Orlando’s Actors, Agents and Casualty Role Players

Shawn Helton
21st Century Wire
Truth is often stranger than fiction when looking at the bizarre phenomena surrounding many mass casualty incidents – and the Orlando Pulse nightclub shooting was no exception.
It was recently revealed that the world’s largest security firm G4S, who had employed the man named in the Orlando pulse nightclub shooting, Omar Mateen – is a client of the mass casualty staging company called CrisisCast.