
The BARCELONA ATTACK – Catalonian Independence, Mossad & the (Strong) Case for a False-Flag…

I hadn’t initially given much thought to the vehicle/terror attack/massacre in Barcelona; aside from it basically feeling like ‘business as usual’ for Europe in this terror-dominated spell of the twenty-first century. And also aside from thinking that the attack in Barcelona happened at the right time to try to divert some of the attention from […]

Porkins Policy Radio episode 100 Manchester Bombing Updates with Keelan Balderson

Keelan Balderson of joins me again to discuss the latest developments in the Manchester Bombing case. We begin by briefly discussing how the bombing has evolved as a news story, and they way it is being perceived in the U.K.  We then move onto the latest developments in the actual investigation. Keelan and I talk about the authorities back and forth narrative of this being a lone wolf attack or part of a larger plot. We talk about the police recently stating that there could have been multiple people who knew Salman Abedi was going to bomb the arena.

ClandesTime 114 – An Alternative History of Al Qaeda: Ali Mohamed - Spy Culture

What if I told you that the same man trained Meir Kahane’s killer, the World Trade Center bombers, the African embassy bombers and Osama Bin Laden’s bodyguards? What if this man was a member of the Egyptian Army unit that assassinated Anwar Sadat, and was a translator and close associate of Ayman Zawahiri? And what if he did all this while serving in the US Special Forces, as an FBI informant and working for the CIA? That man is Ali Mohamed, perhaps the most astonishing spy of recent times.

Porkins Policy Review episode 96 Keelan Balderson on the Manchester and London Attacks

Keelan Balderson of joins me today for an in depth discussion of the recent terror attacks in Manchester and London. We begin by looking at the initial narrative that the media presented to us and how that quickly began to change within days of the event. Keelan discusses how the narrative had many of the hallmarks of the 7/7 Terror attacks, such as prior knowledge and security monitoring, slipping through the net, and the calls for internal reviews by MI5. Next to take a closer look at Salman Abedi’s family and the claims that they were Libyan refugees.

The London Bridge (June 3rd) Attack – Important Notes, Observations & Problems…

To be clear from the outset, what is said in this post is NOT to make an argument that the June 3rd terror attack in London was a ‘hoax’ or totally fabricated psy-op (as some others are suggesting). That isn’t what I’m arguing here. Rather, I’m asking the question of whether this attack was – […]