Gladio B

The CIA and Hollywood episode 6 Charlie Wilson’s War

Sibel Edmonds is our final guest as we dissect this shambolic re-telling of the Soviet-Afghan War.  Much of this conversation is devoted to what the film leaves out, such as Charlie Wilson being a CIA asset, the origins of Operation Cyclone being older and much more important than one drunk congressman and his ultra-right wing Christian friend and of course the likes of Jalaluddin Haqqani, Gulbuddin Hekmatyar and Osama Bin Laden who are completely absent from the movie.  This was a no-holds-barred critique of this quite shameful piece of CIA pr

Porkins Great Game Episode 5 East Turkestan Exposed

For this month’s episode Christoph and I start by taking a look at a very important aspect of Gladio B,  the East Turkestan Project, and specifically the terrorist smuggling rings that are active in bringing Uyghurs to Turkey.  We start by taking a look at the most recent example of this type of operation which was just discovered in Shanghai.  Christoph breaks down how widespread these large and sophisticated human smuggling rings are.  We also touch on how the ongoing battle between Erdogan and Gulen has affected the political debate about the Uyghur issue in Turkey.  Christoph and I high

Sibel Edmonds on Xinjiang, Paris, Gladio B and Alt Media

Sibel Edmonds of joins us today to discuss a range of issues, from terror operations in Xinjiang to Gladio B in Belgium and her reaction to the Paris shooting. We also talk about her new podcast, Probable Cause, and what she is hoping to accomplish with it.
CLICK HERE for show notes and mp3 audio for this conversation.

Porkins Policy Radio ep. 34 Gladio B Roundtable Part 2

On this week’s episode we continued our roundtable discussion on Gladio B with Sibel Edmonds and Tom Secker.  Picking up where we last left off, the three of us explored some of the reasons for Russia’s presumed intransigence in the face of mounting NATO and Gladio operations in their backyard.  As a case study for this we looked at Ayman Al Zawahiri’s little

Porkins Great Game ep. 4 Start of the Third Chechen War

In our first episode of 2015, Christoph and I look at the most recent attack in the Chechen capital of Grozny.  We focus on who may have been behind the hours-long gun battle that left nearly 30 people dead.  First we consider the support that neo-nazis in the Ukrainian  parliament have been lending to the Chechen militants, both in rhetoric and possibly in material support as well.  We also speak about the recent capture of a high-ranking Chechen terrorist trying to enter into Crimea from Ukraine.  We then move on to the role that Turkey

What is the New World Order? (video)

Every month James dips into the mailbag to answer questions from subscribers, Twitter followers, listeners and interested bystanders. This month he tackles questions on Gary Webb’s “suicide,” mandatory voting in Australia, tax truth, the New World Order, Gladio B, Greenspan the Goldbug, and much more.
CLICK HERE for the audio mp3 of this podcast.
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