
Is Florida Really The Most Corrupt State In America?

The superficial, court-ordered redistricting in Florida only scratches the surface of the prevalent culture of political corruption that permeates the state's two political parties. The judgment does not attempt to deals ith anything but two tiny and blatant cases of grotesque gerrymandering-- and that was all the state legislature dealt with.

Republican Illegal Gerrymander Throws Florida Congressional Politics Into Chaos

John Mica, the other Republican most likely to lose his House seat besides Taliban Dan WebsterYesterday, the Florida Supreme Court recommended that Tallahassee Judge Judith Hawkins be removed from the bench because she has exhibited a "disdain for the rule of the law." She was found guilty of running a side business, Gaza Road Ministries, from her judicial chambers, something about Ethiopian eunuchs in the courthouse.

Taking Back The Wisconsin State Senate-- Meet Penny Bernard Schaber

With Steve Israel running the DCCC there is no chance of the Democrats winning back the House, literally, none whatsoever. Israel is leaving too many vulnerable Republicans on the table and squandering DCCC money on ridiculous races that aren't long shots, but NO SHOTS. People think I'm being apocryphal when I say he's flushing resources down a toilet with a PVI of R+15. But I'm being literal.

Is There A Remedy For The Dysfunction Of American Politics?

Financiers of the far right's anti-democracy jihad: 2 KochsElizabeth Drew, in a fascinating piece for the NY Review of Books, The Stranglehold on Our Politics, talks about the determinative properties of voter turnout in midterm elections. Normally turnout sinks from between 51.7 to 61.6% for presidential elections into the high 30s for midterms.