
Ohio Is All Gerrymandered Up-- And Of Course You Can Blame Arch Hypocrite John Kasich

Want to understand Kasichism? Ohio Governor John Kasich has a new book out, Two Paths: America Divided or United, and you don;'t even have to read it because he's on a media blitz to push it. On The View Tuesday he addressed the reason-- a 2020 presidential run-- most people are paying attention to it: "A lot of people say, 'Well, he wrote this be 'cause he wants to run for office or whatever.' No, I wrote this book because, folks, we can't live fighting, even inside our own families."Later he was on Chris Hayes' show. It was so dull.

Jeff Sessions And Steve Bannon Share A Vision For America-- And For Texas

Americans have gotten a look at Trump's new Attorney General, Jefferson Beauregard Sessions, and they don't like what they see. A new Quinnipiac poll included a question about him for the first time. By a 52-40% margin, voters say Sessions lied under oath during his confirmation hearings and by a 51-42% say he should resign from office.

In A Big Win For Civil Rights, Courts Move Two Anti-Gerrymandering Cases Forward

by Josh King,candidate, Virginia House of DelegatesIn 2015 I ran for the Virginia House of Delegates and lost by 125 votes – just 1%. I’m running again this year and the Republican incumbent dropped out, making this an open seat and Virginia Democrats' best chance to flip a district from red to blue.

Not Every Trump Voter Is A Freeloader-- But The Most Economically Productive Areas All Voted Against Him

According to a Nov. 10th poll conducted by Pollfish, 23% of Trump supporters would have voted for Democratic hopeful, Bernie Sanders, based on his commitment to fight for the middle class and against large corporations. The same poll shows some regret already. 32% of Trump voters thought he wouldn't actually win and now 11% say if they had it to do over again, they wouldn't vote for him!

What Kind Of Corruption Will Sessions Take On-- And What Kind Will He Ignore?

Corruption draws certain types of characters to DC the way flies are drawn to horse barns. And while there's never quite been anyone like El Presidente-elect Señor Trumpanzee before, who actually told the NY Times yesterday that "In theory I could run my business perfectly and then run the country perfectly. There's never been a case like this...