
Suspicions of state security set-up in Germany’s far-right ‘coup’

A massive police raid foiled extremist plans to topple Germany’s government. But the timing of the plot and its absurdity raised questions about a state security role in instigating it – something seen many times in Germany’s past. On the morning of December 7th, 2022, Germany’s security services conducted the largest police raid in their history, as 3,000 officers stormed 130 properties spanning almost the entire country, as well as Austria and Italy. When the police sweep was over, 25 […]

Babylon Berlin Breakdown – Symbolism, MK ULTRA, Cults & Transhumanlsm

 In this recent breakdown I cover the amazing revelations in the 3 seasons of the Tom Tykwer/German government production Babylon Berlin set in Weimar Germany. Babylon Berlin is a Neo-noir detective drama that centers around a traumatized WW1 soldier named Gereon who works as an undercover agent and spy as a local detective. The […]

German Translation of my Never Ending Battle Between Leviathan and Liberty

Hearty thanks to the Ludwig von Mises Institut Deutschland for translating my piece, “The Never-Ending Battle between Leviathan and Liberty.” Folks who’ve heard me speak German are grateful the translation wasn’t done by me.  My fluency in that language is limited to a shoulder shrug followed by, “Mein Deutsch ist schlecht.” XXXXXXX Der niemals endende […]

From an imagined hi-tech rebellion to the GameStop incident: Lessons for collective action in the 21st Century – Der Freitag

When in 2008 I heard that Lehman Brothers collapsed, and thousands of its staff were laid off, I allowed myself a fantasy. I imagined that one of the laid off financial engineers, whom for some reason I named Esmeralda, would turn into a dissident. That, incensed with the way she had been discarded by the […]

Dann wäre morgen die Revolution – KONTEXT Wochenzeitung

Unter Meteorologen braucht es keine Meinungsvielfalt – so lange die etablierten Methoden fundierte Prognosen liefern. In den Wirtschaftswissenschaften, wo die Vorhersagen “allenfalls per Unfall” richtig lägen, sei das anders, meint der Ökonom und DiEM25-Initiator Yanis Varoufakis. Wenn die herrschende Lehrmeinung die Realität nicht mehr treffend beschreiben kann, brauche es alternative Blickwinkel. 

Tageszeitung-TAZ: DiEM25 as the best hope for overcoming Europe’s nationalist resurgence

Europe is in deep political crisis, and without renewal, the Union could soon fall apart. This is shown by Brexit, the strengthening of Euroscepticism in Italy, in Germany and many other countries. Many now rely on the French president as a renewal and saviour. But Emmanuel Macron is not the right person to stop the slow dying of the European Union. He represents that neo-liberal course that destroys the Union from the inside, making the rich wealthier and the poor poorer.