George Will

Washington Post Pays George Will To Write Fantasies: “Bell Might Be Hot On Booker’s Heels”

Jeff Bell and fan clubDisclosure: None of us at DWT are fans of Wall Street whore Cory Booker. That said, we’re probably more grounded in reality than delusional Villager George Will. The last time New Jersey elected a Republican to the U.S. Senate was 1972 when very liberal Republican Clifford Case, first elected in 1954, was reelected to his 4th term. A right-wing anti-tax nut, Jeffrey Bell, beat him in the 1978 Republican primary.

Looks like Republicans get the last laugh over Senate (non)confirmation of presidential appointments

Former Clinton administration deputy chief of staff Maria Echaveste was named yesterday by President Obama to be our new ambassador to Mexico. The good news for her is that -- as a nonjudicial appointee, not subject to post-"nuclear option" majority vote -- she shouldn't feel any rush about KenGoodness knows, most Democratic pols aren't good for much, but set them alongside their Republican counterparts and, well, we're looking into an absolute void.

Vive la libération: St. Louisans celebrate as their city is declared a George F. Will-free zone

"Indignation is the default position of certain people in civic discourse. They go from a standing start to fury in about 30 seconds."-- George F. Will, responding to the public furor in responseto his syndicated column in defense of college rapeboys"The change has been under consideration for several months, but a column published June 5, in which Mr. Will suggested that sexual assault victims on college campuses enjoy a privileged status, made the decision easier.