Genetic Modification

Neil Young’s Latest Stop on the ‘Monsanto Years Tour’

Neil Young is using his tour the way Bob Marley or Rage Against the Machine might. Musicians used to stand for something through their art – whether it was civil rights, to negate racism, or to call our politicians ‘out’ for misrepresentation of the people. Neil Young is standing up against corporate infiltration of our governments, GMOs, and more.
Young is attempting to spread the word about GMOs using art in its most profound form – to help promote a food revolution.

UK Survey: 70% of People Polled Don’t Trust BBC’s Commentary on GMOs

Do you trust the mainstream media (MSM)? The BBC, one of the UK’s biggest media companies, is just one example of an enormous media outlet turning to a dinosaur in the age of UFOs. A new survey reveals that almost 70% of the public doesn’t trust the station’s reporting on GMOs. More specifically, the public doesn’t trust the independence of experts featured on the programs.

Monsanto in Deep Trouble: Another Possible Lawsuit Pending

Thanks to the admitted link between Monsanto’s best-selling herbicide known as Roundup and the development of cancer, another major lawsuit could be coming up against the biotech titan. This would be the second major lawsuit over Monsanto’s Roundup health risk, following awareness campaigns launched by groups like March Against Monsanto and individuals like Anthony Gucciardi.

Bill Maher: Monsanto ‘Most Evil Company in the World’

Bill Maher, one of the most outspoken funny men around, is making his comedic rounds, and one stop is in Hawaii. In the islands, he is conducting the Aloha Live Stand Up Tour, and he has some hilarious, if not pertinent advice for the people of Maui regarding their fight against Monsanto and GMOs.
During his tour, Maher spoke to Maui Now about the island’s fight against Big Biotech:

Survey: 68% of Doctors Think GMOs Should be Labeled

Most Americans aren’t waiting for doctors to support GMO labeling. We have been very clear; we want GMO labeling now, and we are even willing to go to court for it. Now, mirroring what millions of Americans have voiced over the past years, a leading network of doctor’s has voted on GMO labeling, and they overwhelmingly support it.

GMO Bacon? ‘Genetically Modified’ Pigs on the Horizon

Are you ready for modern-made ‘GMO’ bacon? With the near-future possibility of gene-modified pigs coming to your local grocery store, this may be yet another biotech reality.
Molecular biologist Jin-Soo Kim at Seoul National University showed off pictures of hogs in the publication Nature just weeks ago. These genetically modified pigs were made to have bizarrely large backsides, considered the most edible part of the pig.

Trial: Pesticide-Producing GMO Wheat Fails to Deter Pests

The incompetence of biotech is reaching new heights as their genetically modified universe is crumbles faster than companies can come up with another freakish altered food or insect. Now, after spending millions, they are finding that a type of GM wheat developed in the UK to produce an odor that repels aphids is failing. This time, the results are creating quite a stink.