Genetic Modification

8 States Support Vermont in Fight Against Monsanto and GMOs

The state of Vermont decided that it would listen to the people and require foods containing genetically modified ingredients (GMOs) to be labeled. But with the help of the Grocery Manufacturer’s Association (GMA), Monsanto and other biotech interests launched a lawsuit against the bill that was passed. Thankfully, Vermont stood strong and is fighting back.

Microbial Biologist Says Biotech is Like a Religion, and is Failing

No one bats 1000, but according to Ignacio Chapela, a microbiologist from UC Berkeley in California, the biotech industry has utterly failed. He says they’ve only come up with 2 genetically modified traits in 40 years despite fouling our air, water, and soil, while genetically engineering our food to withstand copious amounts of toxic chemicals.

Experimental GMO Wheat Crop Fails to Deter Pests

Biotech’s claims that genetically modified crops are more resistant to bugs seem to be dismissed like yesterday’s pastries, especially when their crops so obviously fail to deliver on the promise. So why are farmers still planting GM seed?
In a recent biotech debacle, a UK-based biotech company wasted over $5 million on an experimental GM wheat trial.

Update: 5 Scientific Experts Join Lawsuit to Bring Down Monsanto

In my ongoing exposure of Monsanto’s illegal and immoral tactics, I was excited to announce that a class action lawsuit against the company for false advertising was taken on by none other than T. Matthew Phillips. We reported on this lawsuit at Natural Society, when minimal mainstream media outlets would touch the subject.

Study: Children Exposed to GMO Soy Pesticides Suffer ‘Serious Genetic Damage’

A 2015 study has shown that children exposed to pesticides used to grow GM soy suffer serious genetic damage. Does this mean that our children will suffer the same fate as those unfortunate enough to live near GM soy fields in Argentina?
Researchers from the National University of Río Cuarto, Cordoba (UNRC) compared children who lived close to a GM-soy growing area in Argentina to children who lived in another city in Cordoba that was not adjacent to GM soy fields.