genetic engineering

Insects As Flying Syringes For Genetic Modification, Eugenics And Population Control

My presentation for the Crimes Against Humanity Task Force documents and explains the history behind "the takeover of all genetic material on earth". The manipulation of life on earth is an old dream but technology has now provided the means to accomplish it, and Technocrat/Transhuman scientists are working day and night to change the world's DNA. My forthcoming book, The Evil Twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism, will connect all the dots to this mad program.

Study: Pfizer Lied, mRNA Shot Can Change Your DNA After All

The biomedical cartel continues to peddle the narrative that mRNA shots stay local where injected, do not spread to other parts of your body and do not affect your DNA. In fact, definitive studies now reveal that the shots take as few as six hours to reach your liver where reverse transcription takes place to modify your DNA. Were Big Pharma scientists so stupid to not realize this would happen or was it intentional to begin the DNA  transformation of humanity?

No-Go Zone: The Future They Want For Us

This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here. We have RSS/Podcast feeds available here.
Henrik cover the latest in episode 111 of No-Go Zone July 20, 2022.
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FDA Vaccine Advisory Panel Voted 21-0 To Give Unapproved mRNA Shots To Children As Young As Six Months Old

Insanity begets more insanity as the Big Pharma-dominated drug industry steamrolls FDA-Unapproved mRNA shots for children between 6 months and 6 years. The mRNA injections remain in experimental purgatory, lacking safety testing and properly conducted clinical trials. Cries of protest are coming from more rational scientists and doctors to stop this madness.

CRISPR Fried Chicken: Genetically Engineered Hens Made to Kill Their Male Chicks

Technocrats invent because they can, not because there is a demonstrated or logical reason to do so. My presentation for the Crimes Against Humanity Task Force emphasizes the total takeover of all genetic material on earth. If not stopped, these megalomaniac scientists will destroy all life on planet earth.

No-Go Zone: Happy Pride Month! #SwedenGate, Trudeau's Gun Grab & More Odd Fires At Food Producers

This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here. We have RSS/Podcast feeds available here.
Henrik cover the latest news in episode 105 of No-Go Zone on the first day of pride month June 1, 2022.
Sign up for a membership at Get full access to our extensive archives, watch or listen to all our shows. Stream or download over 1900 programs, including radio shows, videos, TV segments & our exclusive show Weekend Warrior. You get access to exclusive videos + all new videos are made available to members first.

CRISPR Gone Wrong: Fluffy Hamsters Turn Into ‘Aggressive’ Rage Monsters

Scientists concluded, "We don’t understand this system as well as we thought we did.’ Yet, the Chief Medical Officer of Moderna (mRNA "vaccines") said, "We are actually hacking the software of life. We think about it as an operating system. So if you could actually change that, if you could introduce a line of code, or change a line of code, it turns out it has profound implications for everything."