general interest

Pt. 1: Meddling Outsiders and Antagonistic/Conflicting Neighbours Around the Mediterranean Sea

We’ve long talked here about the remake the region (MENA) the one that’s been occurring since 2003 and the invasion of Iraq, but, one can go even further back to the invasion of Afghanistan. Generally when this topic is written about here the ‘03 date is used as the start date of the ‘birth pangs of the new middle east” The Mediterranean Sea, as mentioned, is currently the sea at the center of much conflict and competition. No different from it's past.

Trump's Impeachers Deliver Big Win To Trump Passing USMCA Trade Deal ( While Likely Guaranteeing Second Term Win)

Yup, as of this moment... today, December 19/2019. It looks to me as if the House Democrats just guaranteed Trump's Electoral WIN! The impeachment was sad political theater and nothing else. Oh the democrats are looking so... righteous, YET, while everyone is distracted by fluff and rubbish they hand Trump the golden goose.  Trade deal distraction provided for by the impeachment coverage.

Auticulture Interview: Recluse & Jasun @ Auticulture

This interview, done in two segments, covers a lot of territory in a short ride. I've listened three times since the interview has been released and every time, there is yet another 'aha" or 'isn't that curious' thought that arises.Connections and Intersections going back in time coming forward to observations on our modern day societies.  Including zombies, Azov battalion's roots and a whole lot more,Talkin' Epstein, Crowley,  Peter Levenda's duplicity? Perhaps?