General Health

Study Reveals Yet Another Reason to Limit Kids’ Screen Time

There is ample research which should give parents pause when considering whether to let the TV babysit their kids. One study even suggests that too much tube time can lead to poor bone health later on.
I don’t like to bash TV. A decade ago, I worked with teen moms and their babies in a group-home setting, and nothing seemed to calm the little ones quite like Baby Einstein videos. Those videos also had a soothing effect on my nieces and nephews when they were babies.

How to Pick a Sunscreen That’s Safe for Coral Reefs and Aquatic Life

Hopefully, before you head to the beach, you’ve already looked for some safe sunscreens for your body. But if you’re not reading labels, and if you don’t understand what the ingredients on those labels are, studies show the product you’re lathering on your skin could actually pose a grave threat to the ocean environment. These sunscreens are especially not safe for coral reefs.

Brain Scans Catch Autism Months Before Symptoms Appear

The symptoms of autism generally begin to emerge in a person between 12 and 18 months of age. Oftentimes, babies develop normally until this age, but then they start regressing and lose skills. Now, a recent study suggests it may be possible to spot autism on an MRI scan months before symptoms start. [1]
Geraldine Dawson, a clinical psychologist and autism researcher at Duke University who was not involved in the new work, says:

Air Pollution: The Underestimated Cancer Trigger We Should All Recognize

While it’s true that making the right personal choices to stay disease-free may not be bulletproof, making these ‘right choices’ is still the way to go to avoid cancer and other diseases. What we as a collective need to consider, though, is that cancer prevention isn’t totally an individual effort. A good example of this can be seen with pollution, where a study outlines how some of the highest incidences of cancer rest among the most polluted areas in the US.

Getting a Second Opinion About Health Issues Could Save Your Life

You shouldn’t take one doctor’s word for it when they diagnosis an illness, as 88% of patients who seek a second opinion receive a new or revised diagnosis. Another 21% of patients receive a “distinctly different” diagnosis, meaning the first doctor’s diagnosis wasn’t even in the ballpark, a recent study says. [1]